A little about me

Where did you grow up? Born in London, UK. Where do you currently live? Shaun resides in Central Park North with his husband & their two Italian Greyhounds. Tell me a little bit about your family? Shaun has a background in luxury sales and a true passion for client service which he perfected at Harrod’s, Estee Lauder & Tiffany & Co. With 28 years of experience living & working in and around Manhattan, Shaun brings a wealth of knowledge, not just for real estate but also for restaurants & the best shopping in NYC! How did you get into real estate? "I met a real estate team leader whilst working at Tiffany. He, along with meeting realtors coming into the store, made me realize real estate could be a great fit. With my education background & my 'helping' not selling style, I think its a great opportunity for me."  Favorite hobbies? "Walking in Central Park with my dogs, reading autobiographies." What are you currently reading? Spare. Best piece of real estate advice you've been given? "Never give up!"