Allan Zapadinsky

Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker

A little about me

Where did you grow up? Brooklyn born and raised baby! Where did you go to college? Cornell University. Go Big Red! Play any sports? I played pro-level Tennis for most of my teens and early 20's. Where do you currently live? New Jersey. Commute daily to this amazing City. Tell me a little bit about your family? I am the first in my family born in the U.S. My parents and sister came from Moldova in the 70's. Dad was a mechanic and upholsterer. Mom was a bookkeeper. My big sister is an amazing cook and gives great advice that I sometimes listen to. My son Brody is a sniper on the soccer field. My wife has extraordinary taste in husbands. How did you get into real estate? I was not excited about the jewelry business I was in for 10 years. I got my license after watching too many reality TV shows, but mostly after having an awful experience with the agent that sold me an apartment in Queens. What do you enjoy doing outside of real estate? Favorite hobbies? Going to restaurants, playing Fantasy Football, traveling, fashion. What are you currently reading? Never Split the Difference. All the leadership books I can find. Best piece of real estate advice you've been given? From the movie about the founding of McDonald's starring Michael Keaton, The Founder. Kroc: Is there a problem? Sonneborn: A big one. You don’t seem to realize what business you’re in. Kroc: (Looking confused) How’s that? Sonneborn: You’re not in the burger business, you’re in the real estate business. You don’t build an empire off a 1.4 percent cut of a 15-cent hamburger. You build it by owning the land upon which that burger is cooked.